“Every horse is good for somethin’…”
“Why are you fixing him?
’Cause I can.”
At Tanglewood Stable, we believe that each horse is an individual. Our job is to grant ex-racehorses the gift of retraining in a multitude of disciplines to see what they could excell in.
In the words of Tom Smith of “Seabiscuit” fame:
“Every horse is good for somethin’.
Shoot he could be a cart horse, or a lead pony, and he’s still nice to look at.
You know, you don’t throw a whole life away just ‘cause he’s banged up a little.”
We have saved horses from pastern fractures, sesamoid fractures, numerous carpal (knee) surgeries, bowed tendons and suspensories, etc. We nurse them through advanced arthritis and poor coats from gastric ulcers. Once they are healthy, our team saddles them up and takes them out on the trails, in the arenas, through streams, and over obstacles. We do our best to determine suitability with our well-rounded approach to training. Our horses have been featured in local 4th of July parades, at several National STB shows, at rated dressage competitions, and out West as packhorses for hunting excursions.